Saturday, March 25, 2006

Cliche Ranting

I'm not sure about the inner workings of camera angles, interview techniques and the like because I only experience them from the audience's point of view. Still, the cliches are a bit wearisome. CBC and CTV each have their own and some they share.

Whenever CBC wants to set up a First Nations story, they feature the sound of a bunch of guys sitting around banging a drum and chanting a song in some Indian language. Always the same guys, the same drum, the same song. It's been done so much it's as racist as some 1950s cartoon about Injuns. It's in their tape library and has obviously been digitized for easy addition to the front of each First Nations story.

Another cliche is the reporter's desperate insistence on embarrassing the protagonist of a story by calling them a 'hero'. Listen there cub reporters, if you find your line of questioning is making your interview subject very uncomfortable - why push it? It's bad manners and the audience doesn't like it any more than the victim.

If there is any chance to obtain a tear drop from a man, it's editorial gold isn't it? The camera will stay focused ten inches from the victim's face until the sheer pressure causes them to break down. "Tears! I got tears! This is gonna be a lead I tell ya - male tears!" It is demeaning to the victim and the technique is transparent to the audience. It also shows you don't give a rat's ass about the subject at all.

The audience can always tell when the subject of the story has been co-opted to 'sell' the story. The subject is shown doing something ultra important at their desk, or taking an important phone call, self-consciously not looking at the camera; or else they walk the same twenty feet outside their place of work or down the hallway, so the camera can establish the subject as a sympathetic figure for the audience. The self-conscious victim has obviously been told that despite the hackneyed nature of the shot, it will play well on the noooooz. They never know what to do with their hands it seems.

So much for technique. Recently there has been a downhill slide in erudition. Reporters are ignorant. Proudly, admittedly, unabashedly, unrepentantly ignorant. They now profess not to be able to pronounce common English words, and they totally mangle French pronunciations. "Southern" is not pronounced south-ern it's suthern. I E R endings in French are pronounced eeyay. A foyer is pronounced fwah-yay, not foy-er. A foy-er is what a Newfoundland fire department responds to. This is pretty basic stuff for a Canadian reporter. It's hard enough to get a spot on the roster, why would a news agency hire an ignoramus? Maybe they are doing it by design? I hope not.

A fisher is a small brown animal in the mustelid family, related to weasels and martins. Most CBC types have never actually seen one, so perhaps they could be forgiven for their confusion...
If the CBC wants to be the Canadian broadcaster, then they should reflect the values of all Canadians, not just the vegetarian, far-left, gun-hating, pacifist, politically correct intelligentsia. Consider this - your budget comes from the taxpayer, and if you annoy the taxpayers enough, they'll write their members of parliament, who don't like you anyway. Try just reporting the news instead of shaping public opinion.

So what about the CTV? CTV are so cheap they re-issue the same news multiple times in the course of two days. We hear a news article on the national news, then it's repeated on the local late evening news, then it's reported on the national morning news, and finally on the local noon news. Mostly it wasn't very good or newsy the first time. What makes it really an egregious offence is to then repeat the same damn performance six to eight months later, in the hope that the audience has forgotten the item.

Global TV are in there fighting for a spot between the two major broadcasters. To that end, their local news and weather coverage isn't bad at all, and they seem to leave the right-wing politics out of their news. Where they really shine is in covering local sports. Way to go guys.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Not So Jolly Old England

"In the event of an emergency, peel and fry onions. It will not improve the situation, but it will smell good and those present will know that someone is in charge who knows what's important."

I wrote that on the cover page for my examination on Disaster Scenarios at the Senior Leadership Academy. It so enraged the examiners they graded my paper zero. It was a good paper, I thought.

I believe something is wrong in Great Britain. I stumbled over this news article by Philip Johnson of the Telegraph News. It links to the text of the bill. I googled, and found articles in Express and Star, BBC News and Guardian Unlimited, which are all UK-based news organs.

For those who don't want to read these news articles or the text of the Bill, it seems that the Labour government of Tony Blair, which has already gagged and emasculated the House of Lords are now about to pass this bill which is designed to enable members of Cabinet to "amend, repeal and replace" any legislation without a vote by parliament. This gem is called the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill and it is supposedly drafted to enable cabinet ministers to fast track legislation in aid of businesses. It will apparently make Britain more agile in the business world. It allows members of cabinet to create new criminal offences. It allows the government to amend this bill. That's right, it's self-amending, so once passed, it can be amended to become anything the government wants.

This seems to be the Labour government's Enabling Act. It will certainly make the British government agile and effective, but how will this effect Britons? They are already one of the most spied upon nations, with surveillance cameras everywhere. They have extensive anti-terrorism legislation that confers extraordinary powers of search and seizure. They are about to bring in national identity cards. All these bits and pieces are troubling individually. Taken as a group, they turn Great Britain from one of the world's leaders, a bastion of freedom and light, into another totalitarian regime.

This legislation is being poorly covered by the news people. In Canada, it hasn't raised a ripple, and not much in Britain either. It is the job of the news to educate and inform the populace and they aren't doing that. The legislation title "Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill" seems purposely boring. The British should be out in the streets. They should be writing their members of parliament with an avalanche of mail, but they aren't. This legislation has been around, moving slowly through parliament for a year. It should be a common subject of discussion, but it isn't. The Nooz isn't doing it's job.

In other nooz, Brittany Spears is still pregnant and Brigitte Bare-dot would like Canadians to be kinder to small fuzzy animals.

Generally, government shouldn't be too effective. They become dangerous if they're capable. Remember, if the government doesn't fear you, then you will fear the government.

Somebody should be peeling onions and warming up the frying pan.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


She's gone to her reward. You're purchasing a home. This car has been pre-enjoyed. You've all heard the terms. They are often used to disguise the truth, or to put things in a better light. They are semi-factual. That is, they bear a relation to the facts, as coloured by the seller.

I heard on the nooz the other day that they're closing down some hospital beds to save money. It's such a common expression I've head hospital staff say, "oh they're closing down a few beds".

No, they fuckin aren't!

Nobody is going to come by and remove a hospital bed, wheel it down the hall and put it away in a storage closet - and how would that save money if they did? Hospital beds are expensive pieces of equipment that cost as much as a used car. Sticking it somewhere where it's unavailable would be idiocy. When your granny needs a hip replacement, they tell you she can't have one and she'll have to go on the waiting list "until a bed becomes available". Huh? The wards are all still there. The floors are still all open. The beds, equipment and monitors are all still there. Sure, here and there you'll see a ward turned into office space, but mostly all the spaces, beds and equipment are still there, still waiting for granny. What's missing?

Ah, I see you there now. You've arrived at the obvious conclusion and are just waiting politely for me and my rhetoric to catch up. To close a bed is a euphemism for staff and service reduction. It means that instead of twenty-eight surgeons, there will only be twenty-seven. Instead of fifteen anesthetists, there will only be fourteen. Instead of sixteen lab technicians there will only be fifteen plus four hours of overtime. Instead of forty-two nurses, there will be forty. It means that instead of having enough staff and services to care for six hundred and ninety patients, they've reduced staff so that they can only take care of six hundred and eighty-eight patients. So, they've closed two beds. They have reduced staff and services to the point that two more people won't get cared for. When they call the floor and say, "hey, can you take another patient?", the nurse says no, not unless someone pays overtime. They don't have the staff. Granny can wait.

I suppose what I'd like the nooz geeks to do is once in a while, to spend a minute and explain the shorthand expressions such as "closing a bed". They should use the language to make the facts clear, not obfuscate them.